Saturday, January 22, 2011

Helloooooo everyone!!!

Due to popular demand from my MASSIVE swarm of fans (OK...maybe I'm exaggerating a bit...let's make that 4-5 bored and music-hungry friends), I have decided to turn my world-famous (umm...just let me have this one, OK?) hype machine page into a blog.

My love affair with music began as a very young girl. After I grew out of the Sharon, Lois and Bram days (stop laughing - you ALL listened to them), I recall skipping around my house with a walkman (don't you miss those days?) listening to Mariah Carey and 90s dance mix tapes stolen from my mom's room. Never one to enjoy sports or outdoor activities, I spent an embarrassing amount of hours practicing Mariah's unattainable and diva-esque five-octave vocal range, quickly changing tapes only to shake my booty to the Macarena.

My taste matured quickly - I recall excitedly exiting HMV with my dad, at the ripe age of 10, with Puff Daddy and the Family's "No Way Out" in hand. Clearly, he had no regard for the Parental Advisory boldly printed on the front of the case. If the thought of a hip-hopping 10-year-old sounds concerning, you can find reassurance in the fact that my eclecticism kicked in around the same time, creating a simultaneous and undying passion for Spice Girls, Backstreet Boys, Hanson and 'N Sync.

By middle school, I was making the most coveted mix CDs on the block (...seriously!!! I swear!!! Everyone asked for copies, OK??!). Mixing Dave Matthews with Li'l Kim, Pearl Jam with Dr. Dre, they had no rhyme or reason whatsoever. But they kept me and my friends smiling, dancing, and wailing every single lyric.

For years, I carried with me a covert fantasy of being a musician. But after becoming a mediocre drummer and two failed attempts at guitar, I realized I was best left on the listening end of music. So here I am, several years and two degrees later (yes, ladies and gents, I am not only a certified music connoisseur but also a Bachelor and Master of Arts), I find myself in law school, taking a much more responsible route.

As a girl with many passions, such as writing, academia, feminism, literature, food, fashion, travel and law, I wear many hats. But one thing that never subsides is my unwavering passion for music. The only thing I love more than listening to music is sharing it with others; I have always found joy in burning CDs for friends, calling them with news about a new song personalized to their specific tastes, or posting endless youtube music videos on their facebook walls. This passion became easier to spread with the advent of hype machine, an innovative website that allows me to locate brand new music from up-and-coming artists and create a playlist on my own webpage that is accessible to the public (you can still visit it at
Nothing puts a smile on my face more than getting a call from one of my friends, or even acquaintances, telling me they spent time enjoying the music I chose while hanging around their room, doing homework, or having a pre-bar drink with friends before a night out. After several suggestions that I create a real blog, I have found some time in my busy schedule to get it started.

I've created this blog to share my passion for music in a more accessible way, and to fuse it with my other love - writing. I'd love to hear your thoughts and comments about the songs I post and any music you believe should be up here. Most of all, I want this to be a place where everyone and anyone can visit when they are looking for something inspiring, fun, and incredible to listen to. In today's digital age, sifting through the wide array of music to find something new and exciting can be a chore. So sit back, relax, and let me do the work for you.

My upcoming posts will brief you on "songs that you should know by now" - favourites from late 2009 and 2010.

Until next time....


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